Lemongrass Chicken

Lemongrass Chicken

I love going to the supermarket to look for new ingredients for my cooking. However, oftentimes I ended up picking unintended items that were on my to buy list. Yes, they are finding the way to end up in my basket and refuse to leave. Especially the special buy (meaning their shelf life is about to get slash). As a no food wasting advocate, this week I came up with a solution to make this chicken look delicious and save some dollars in your purse. 


  • 1 whole chicken

  • 10 garlic cloves

  • 3 stalk lemongrass

  • 1 tbsp white pepper

  • 2 tbsp soy sauce

  • 1 tbsp sugar

  • 2 tbsp oyster sauce

How to make

  • Cut a butterfly chicken style, set it aside on a baking tray.

  • Coarsely chop some lemongrass, peel some garlic cloves. Add them into a blender together with some white pepper. Pulse until it's a pulp.

  • Transfer the herb mixture into a mixing bowl, add sugar, oyster sauce, soy sauce, then mix together until the sugar is dissolved. Rub the marinade sauce all over the chicken. Then wrap the tray and marinate for at least an hour, best overnight.

  • Preheat the oven at 200C, fan forced. Remove the wrap from the tray, place the chicken into the oven. Cook for the first 25 minutes for the first half. Once flip the chicken, set the timer again for 15 minutes. Keep it on until the chicken has crispy skin and is golden brown.

  • Cut up and serve the chicken while it's still hot. The juicy and flavorful chicken with crispy golden brown skin is perfect for a dinner party or a weeknight meal. Enjoy!